Monthly Archives: January 2016

Monster Theory

“Every monster is in this way a double narrative, two living stories: one that describes how the monster came to be and another, its testimony, detailing what cultural use the monster serves.” -Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Monster Theory In Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s article Monster Culture (Seven Theses), he speaks on literature that engages with Monsters as a way of examining cultural identities that engender difference from the norm. From Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, he traces a literary tradition of

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Currently, many residents of Chicago and beyond are currently afflicted by SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is a type of depression that many people experience during the changing of the seasons, most frequently during the turnover from fall into winter. Symptoms include: Feeling depressed most days of the week A feeling of worthlessness or hopelessness Low energy Low interest in activities once enjoyed Trouble

Depression in College Students

The transition from high school to college is inherently destabilizing.  For many people, college is the first time they spend a significant amount of time outside their childhood homes. Likewise, it is the first time that many teenagers experience their first taste of adulthood. This independence can be thrilling and profound, offering young adults full agency over themselves. Such independence can also be overwhelming, crippling even, because greater amounts of independence correspond with an increasing amount of personal responsibility.  College