
Depression in College Students

The transition from high school to college is inherently destabilizing.  For many people, college is the first time they spend a significant amount of time outside their childhood homes. Likewise, it is the first time that many teenagers experience their first taste of adulthood. This independence can be thrilling and profound, offering young adults full agency over themselves. Such independence can also be overwhelming, crippling even, because greater amounts of independence correspond with an increasing amount of personal responsibility.  College

Stress Causes Brain Shrinkage

Stress has long been denoted as the ‘fight or flight’ syndrome which produces cortisol, a hormone proven to be destructive to overall health. In this article, further research is indicating that there are actually key regions in the brain which are being directly affected by the level of stress we experience in our lives. Talking therapy has been proven to reduce stress. In addition, medicine is also showing that meditation, yoga, and cardiovascular exercise can greatly assist in lowering the